Saturday, July 23, 2011

Artists at Heart

Author: Kirsten Ashton

As Briana's top PR agent, she has asked me to write a simple press release for her on her blog. She is doing well, albeit she has been threatening to drink castor oil today.

The photos below were taken by me; I’m also her photographer. We experimented with Henna last week and had great results (art done by me, also). The midwives loved her belly when they saw it at her last appointment on Thursday. We had some henna left over, so Briana decided to have some friends over the other night to finish it off. Her friends left with hands and feet decorated with intricate designs that would impress even the best of henna artists. It looks as though she has found a new hobby; let’s just hope she doesn’t try this one on Kylie.

Thursday, July 7, 2011


It's not just the mom-to-be that goes through a nesting stage right before the baby is born. While I've been staying out of the heat and freezing casseroles; Joe has been working hard building a Pergola. It took him a few weeks, a new drill, and a lot of sweat, but it's done and BEAUTIFUL! He put a special outdoor fabric over the top that blocks UV rays and brings the temperature down. No more hot sun coming through our back door. I'm really amazed at Joe's talent for building things. This is what he wanted to give me for our anniversary and I'm sure I'll enjoy the shade when I want to get outside with the baby. In the future I think we will be attaching a baby swing to one of the beams.