Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Oatmeal Box

Mommy made Daxton an oatmeal box to play in. He sits in it for long periods of time playing with a teaspoon and measuring cup. The dogs also like it because they occasionally like to help with the clean up.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Science Center

So we headed to the Orlando Science Center.

Saturday, June 23, 2012


Since Joe is on vacation and our original plans were cancelled, we decided to take a day trip to Tampa. Daxton and daddy were able to take a quick dip in the pool at Grandma and Grandpa Kepners', but the afternoon at Bush Gardens was postponed due to some crazy rain. We are glad to have Kirsten back from Australia because she takes lots and lots of pictures of little D!

Laundry Helper?

Daxton has taken a liking to climing in and out of the laundry baskets. One day, when he was in my way, I put him in the basket so I could move the laundry and him at the same time to the washing mashine. Since then he loves going for rides. Joe took it to a new level by using a leash to pull the basket and keep Daxton calm when we need some quiet time.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Sharing Is Caring (With Kylie)

Sad Baby

This last week was not one worth repeating. It started with a fever and ended with an overnight stay at the Special Care Unit at Arnold Palmer. The happy news is Daxton is home and healthy. An intestinal infection caused some air in his abdomen that made the doctors concerned. After many tests, tubes, and tears we finally got our answers. He had a rare case of trapped air outside the intestinal wall but inside the mucus membrane. It went away on the scans after an overnight stay and we don't anticipate it coming back. It was a very emotional and difficult week for everyone but mommy did soak up the snuggles in the hospital. The best part was when Daxton gave his parents the best anniversary present by being able to come home. The highlights for Daxton were the morphine, mommy kisses and daddy's vest for the X-ray.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Graduating to the Walker

He is getting ready to walk! He loves cruising around the house using his walker, bike, or the little shopping cart our neighbor left on our front door.

Inexpensive Solution

Babies commonly love to pull tissues out of the box for fun and Daxton is definitely one of them. I saw this solution in a magazine and decided to give it a try. Just some fabric scraps and an old wipes bin and Daxton can play to his hearts desire. It takes me longer to fold the fabric back into the bin than for him to pull it out.