Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Kirsten thinks Briana stinks at blogging.

As you can see, Briana hasn't posted anything for a WHILE. Here are some things that I think are noteworthy and/or cute:


We took a last-minute road trip to Texas and had a great time. These are just a few of the photos we were able to capture while we were all together.


You wouldn't know he misbehaved at all last year judging by his presents from family. They must really love him!

Daxton likes to play outside... a lot.

But really. This kid loves playing in the back yard. 

Citrus Bowl

Daxton really wanted Joe to read him a story and couldn't understand why he wouldn't. 

Color, Color and more Coloring

 The kid LOVES to color... everywhere.


She's not the center of attention anymore, but she still likes to act abused in order to receive love from strangers. Case in point depicted here. We still love her, though :)


He likes baseball :)

THIS... stinkin' adorable. C'mon, don't you just wanna squeeze his little cheeks?!