Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Three D's.....Daxton + Dogs = Delight!

We grabbed the camera a little late but he was still giggling a little on this clip. Daxton LOVES the dogs. He especially loves it when they bark or make noise (opposite of mommy right now). When the dogs get rowdy Daxton gets excited. They can make him laugh harder than anyone else in the house. I'm glad he is such a dog lover since he will be growing up with two. Right now the dogs don't mind him, but coming up soon I think they will not like it when he can crawl and get his hands on them all the time!

Nakey Baby!!

I'm sure you have noticed Daxton is naked in a lot of posts. In the evenings he likes to play without his clothes on before bath time. If he starts to get cranky we just strip him down to Nakey Baby! Then he is unrestricted to do his favorite thing.....wiggle!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Back to Tummy

So, Daxton accomplished yet another milestone today. He rolled from back to tummy 4 times tonight. Maybe all that nanny training is paying off since my son is once again ahead of schedule. Most babies don't roll from back to tummy until 5 or 6 months. So proud of my little guy. Each milestone he accomplishes makes me tear up a happy he is developing, yet so sad he is growing so fast!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

First Food!!

Daxton Turned 4 Months Old Yesterday!!!

Daddy spent the day running the challenging Tough Mudder. He came in at 2 hours and 40 minutes. We are so proud of him for keeping fit and healthy (and for finishing alive). Mommy and Daxton spent the day hanging out around the house. We wish we could have supported Joe but it was just a little too far away, hopefully the next one. Pictures to come soon.

To celebrate our little on growing up we decided to let him try a little baby rice cereal. Yes....most of it ended up on his bib, but he did seem to enjoy it. He is growing so fast and eating a lot more now so hopefully a little cereal will make his tummy happy. 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Daxton Meets Santa

The Bass Pro Shop in Orlando really knows how to make the holidays festive. We took Daxton to participate in the fun and meet Santa. He played with toy trains, cars, and went on a merry-go-round (No, the old guy on the bear is not related to us...Joe just thought he was funny so wanted him in the video). Our little elf was happy all day and didn't even mind being on the lap of an old dude dressed in red. We were so excited to get some funny and cute photo's of Daxton meeting Santa that he can look back on and get a laugh. Joe and I made some good holiday memories today.