Wednesday, August 31, 2011

First Month

The first month has been full of sleepless nights, messy diapers, and most of all.... LOVE. We can't believe how fast he is growing. Most of the newborn clothes are too tight and have been packed away. We are trying to cherish every moment as we know it will fly by way too fast.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Rockin' and Rollin'

When Daxton was two days shy of three weeks old (August 22) he decided to roll over. Of course he did it while Briana left the house to run some quick errands. Joe got to witness it twice and we all are very amazed but thought it might be a fluke. What surprised us more is when he continued to do it again and again. Briana finally caught the third roll of the night on video on August 26th. Daxton is a really strong baby who likes to arch his back and kick his legs! He gets cuter and cuter every day!

Saturday, August 13, 2011

How To Grow A Daxton

After a little more than nine months our lives were changed forever, and forever for the better. Joe worked on this video throughout the pregnancy capturing the entire journey that brought Daxton into our lives.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Daxton's First Picture Day

Kirsten took some quick pics of baby Daxton when he was a couple days old. The real photographers are going to meet Daxton this week, but we thought we would test out the props we've gathered for the shoot. If you have Facebook, you've probably already seen these, but here they are again!