Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sitting Pretty

Daxton began sitting by himself this week. He is still a little wobbly but gets more stable every day. It's already hard to get the little guy to stay in one place. If he sees something he likes, he goes for it!

Friday, February 3, 2012

1/2 Way There!

Daxton's half birthday is today! And what did he do for his birthday?.....SHOTS! Poor dude. He was a little trooper and didn't cry for very long. Daddy was able to get him smiling soon after. We are letting him try a new flavor of baby food today to celebrate. We can't believe we are half way through the first year.

Dax had a pretty good half birthday. He had to start the day off with his 6 month shots but only cried for about 10 seconds then Joe had him smiling again. He is healthy and big. The nurse had to measure his length 3 times because she couldn't believe how tall he got! He is in the 95% for height, 70-90% for his head size, and in the 50% for his weight.
Today was also a big day because he started sitting up all by himself. Even though it's only for 5-10 seconds at a time before he starts to fall over, it's a great start.